Membership Application for Students

Please enter the information requested below to apply for Fresno Madera Medical Society membership as a student. All fields marked * are required.

  1. 1 Basic Information
  2. 2 Contact Information
  3. 3 Education & Training
  4. 4 Membership Agreement
  5. 5 Payment
Directory Information
  • Certain fields, like your first and last name fields, are disabled for existing accounts to preserve critical information and avoid confusion. To change the information in these fields, applicants should reach out to their county medical society for assistance.
Account Information

To select multiple degrees press and hold the Ctrl or command key.

  • In addition to your school email, we encourage you to list your personal email in the Alternate Contact Information section to ensure there are no disruptions in our communications with you.
Personal Information

The following required fields are missing: